Welcome to meeting@SARSTEDT – the tool for planning your visit to the SARSTEDT headquarters. We will guide you through the planning process step by step; you will proceed to the next step only when all information has been provided. Please note that we will first confirm your scheduling before the date is bindingly booked.

We look forward to your visit!

Who is the contact person responsible for this visit on your side?

When are you planning your visit?

Who will be participating in your visit?

List of external visitors
List of participating SARSTEDT employees

Which areas would you like to visit?

What else do you need for your visit?

Before your visit
During your visit
After your visit
Help text for "reason for your visit"
Please briefly explain the reason you plan to visit us here. This can be, for example, acquiring new customers, a pending contract or supporting existing customers. Internal reasons, such as a training course, a visit of a school class/institution or a chamber of commerce and industry event, should also be stated here.
Help text for "responsible contact person
Please enter the information about the contact person who will register the visit from your side. This is important to allow us to contact the right person in the event of any queries or information.
Help text for the date of the planned visit
Please indicate when you would like the visit to take place here. Please note that we will check and confirm the desired date you have specified here separately.
Help text for "arrival date"
The arrival date may differ from the desired visit date. Please provide relevant information if applicable. If the arrival date and the visit date are the same, please enter the same date here that you entered for the visit date.
Help text for "start time"
Please enter the time you would like to start your Headquarters visit. We recommend a meet and greet in the reception area of the new building. You can visit the areas selected below from here.
Help text for "participants of the visit
Please enter both external and internal participants here.
Help text for "external visitors"
Please enter the full names of external visitors here. Please write only one name per line (title, first name, last name). This list is also used to welcome your visitors on the LED walls.
Help text for "internal SARSTEDT employees"
Please enter the full names of the SARSTEDT employees who will be accompanying the visit. Please write only one name per line (title, first name, last name).
Help text for "number of participants"
Please enter the total number of visitors (internal and external) here.
Help text for "areas"
Please indicate here which areas you would like to visit. We have provided a few time estimates below to help you plan the duration of your visit.
Help text for the "showroom" area
The video provides an overview of the showroom, which you may also use to inform your visitors of what to expect in advance.
Help text for "video"
On the BrandStage, you can choose between 3 videos. Please select them according to the professional orientation of the group of visitors.
Help text for "topic selection at the SARSTEDT Cube"
Please select which topics you would like to show at the SARSTEDT Cube here. To allow you to better plan for the time you may need, we have provided time estimates for each area. Please download the attached PDF for the area categories.
Help text for "roll container"
Please indicate whether you require roll containers from the Diagnostics and/or Life Science areas. The roll containers contain product samples that provide you with a hands-on experience right at the SARSTEDT Cube or in the training rooms.
Help text for "Rommelsdorf Production"
Here, you can indicate whether you would like to visit "Production Hall 6 in Rommelsdorf".
Help text for "note on Production visit"
Please enter any additional information here. Are there any focal points or topics that should be considered or avoided? Why is visiting Production important for your visit?
Information text for "Rommelsdorf Development Centre visit"
Please indicate here whether you would like to visit the Development Centre in Rommelsdorf.
Help text for "Development Centre visit"
Please enter any additional information here. Are there any focal points or topics that should be considered or avoided? Why is visiting the Development Centre important for your visit?
Information text for "Rommelsdorf Logistics Centre visit"
Please indicate here whether you would like to visit the Logistics Centre in Rommelsdorf.
Help text for "Logistics Centre visit"
Please enter any additional information here. Are there any focal points or topics that should be considered or avoided? Why is visiting the Logistics Centre important for your visit?
Help text for "souvenir photo"

Please let us know if you would like a souvenir photo. An example is shown here.
Help text for "souvenir photo"
Please indicate here whether you would like a souvenir photo of your group of visitors. The photo will be taken on the BrandStage in the showroom. If you will also use the photo for internal communication purposes, the consent of the persons photographed is required. A corresponding form will be distributed when the photo is taken.
Help text for "everything about your visit"
Please indicate the following points so that all topics can be well organised.
Help text for "invitation"
You can have invitations sent to external visitors.
Help text for "hotel booking"
Please indicate if you require a hotel booking. The contact person you specify will be contacted for the necessary details.
Help text for "number of SARSTEDT employees for hotel"
Please indicate how many external visitors require hotel accommodation. The contact person you specify will be contacted for the necessary details.
Help text for "number of SARSTEDT employees for hotel"
Please indicate how many SARSTEDT employees require hotel accommodation. The contact person you specify will be contacted for the necessary details.
Help text for "transfer to hotel
Please indicate whether you need transfer from the airport/train station to the hotel. For details, we will get in touch with your specified contact person.
Help text for "transfer from hotel to headquarters"
Please indicate whether you require a transfer/taxi from the hotel to the headquarters. For details, we will get in touch with your specified contact person.
Help text for "guest Wi-Fi"
Please indicate whether your visitor requires access to the guest Wi-Fi. Mobile phone reception at the head office is limited.
Help text for "catering"
Please indicate if you require catering.
Help text for "vegetarian meals"
Please enter the number of vegetarian meals.
Help text for "vegan meals"
Please enter the number of vegan meals.
Help text for "meals"
Please enter the number of meals that do not need to be vegetarian.
Help text for "notes on meals”
Please enter any additional information that should be taken into account when selecting and assembling the meals.
Help text for "allergies"
Please let us know if you are aware of any food allergies your visitor may have.
Heading for bmeform_help_allergietext
Please indicate any known food allergies. We will take these into account when preparing the food.
Help text for "drinks"
Please enter additional information about the selection of drinks here. We usually provide soft drinks (water, Fanta, Sprite, cola, apple/orange juice) as well as coffee and tea.
Help text for evening event
Please indicate if you are planning an additional evening event (e.g., dinner together). For details, we will get in touch with your specified contact person.
Help text for "notes on evening event"
If you can already provide more detailed information about your planned evening event, please enter it here. For details, we will get in touch with your specified contact person.
Help text for "promotional gifts"
If you need promotional gifts, please download the PDF of the promotional gifts catalogue.
Help text for "catalogue/brochure material"
If you want visitors to receive a catalogue or brochures afterwards, please enter the article number and the required quantity line by line.
Help for "sending the souvenir photo"
Please indicate if you would like to send the souvenir photo together with a follow-up/thank you email. We will then provide you with the photo in an appropriate file size.
Help text for "follow-up email"
Please indicate if you would like to send a follow-up or thank you email after your visit. An example text is available for download.
Help text for "list of promotional gifts required"
Please enter the number of promotional gifts you require from the advertising material catalogue. Please enter the article number, description and quantity line by line.
Help text for "number of Wi-Fi guests"
One guest access allows you to connect 2 different devices. (Example: if you would like 4 devices online, you will require 2 guest Wi-Fi accesses.)
Help text for "training room"
Please indicate if you need a training room. The number of training rooms we reserve depends on the number of participants you specify.
Help text for "Training room equipment"
Please indicate which equipment you require in the training room.
Help text for “seating in the training room"
Please indicate how you would like the tables and chairs to be arranged in the training room.
Help text for "Production Hall 4 in Rommelsdorf"
Here, you can indicate whether you would like to visit "Production Hall 4 in Rommelsdorf".
Help text for "reason for visiting Production"
Please briefly describe the reason for your visit to Production in Hall 4.
Help text for "note on Production visit"
Please enter any additional information here. Are there any focal points or topics that should be considered or avoided? Why is visiting Production important for your visit?
Help text for "Technical Centre visit"
Here, you can indicate whether you would like to visit the "Technical Centre".
Help text for "notes on visit to the Technical Centre"
Please enter any additional information here. Are there any focal points or topics that should be considered or avoided? Why is visiting the Technical Centre important?
”Reason for visiting Production"
Please briefly describe the reason for your visit to Production in Hall 6.
Help text for "sandwiches"
Please indicate whether you need "sandwiches".
Help text for "time for sandwiches"
Please state the desired time at which you would like the sandwiches served.
Help text for "savoury snacks"
Please indicate whether you need "savoury snacks".
Help text for "time for savoury snacks”
Please state the time at which you would like savoury snacks served.
Help text for "cake"
Please indicate whether you need cake.
Help text for "time for cake"
Please state the time at which you would like cake served.